Monday, 30 April 2012

Which World of Warcraft Class Should I Play?

There will be many opinions on which class is best for a newbie (or veteran.) But, the old fashioned and best way to do it is try a few classes and see how you like them, each class has a different style of play. You might first choose a mage, and discover how much you love them and never have any other class. We find that once you find a class that you really love, you always prefer playing with that class, hence that character tends to be a lot better than the rest.

You might find that you like sticking to one class and keep creating that class, or you might create lots of different classes and play all of them daily. It really depends on one thing, your playing style. Most will tell you to level a hunter to begin with, because they are fun to level but they are too overpowered at level 85, which ruins it in some aspects. Just experiment with a couple of classes for your character and see which ones you like the best, remember the game is meant for fun, what do you find most fun.

If you're wanting to choose a class that easiest to level and play, just read below:

Generally, there are 3 basic rules:

  • Casters beat melee combat
  • Melee beats ranged
  • Ranged beats casters
You can start off with hunters or warriors, both are easy and fun to level but you need to experiment with which  one you like best. Mages have a very high DPS if you get the best gear for them, so they are well worth leveling as your end character ends up very powerful, but weaker in terms of health and armor capabilities. A hunter can send in their pet, and watch the devastation happen, whilst firing ranged combat at them. If you have a hunter, you should go for beast mastery, because your pet will then become extremely powerful (like a tank) that can devour the enemies in seconds, it also stops you taking all the damage!

We hope this article helped you narrow down your choices and get playing!

Best World of Warcraft Guide.
What's your game?

Should I Start Playing World of Warcraft?

Should I Get World of Warcraft?

To start with, there are around 11.4 million World of Warcraft accounts online. Around 8.5 million of these play every single day. The question we asked ourselves is, can 8.5 million people be wrong? It depends, what games you like, and whether you're into the fantasy world idea. If you know what an MMORPG is that's a good start, if not an MMORPG is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. You can connect with millions of other players, and do quests with them, trade, chat, battle and discover the massive world of Azeroth. 

It is truly a huge game, it starts off slow to start with, but then once you get into it, it starts to get brilliant. There is some speculation that you can get addicted to it, but if you have a strong mind and other things more important in your life, then it is just a casual hobby. The last point is, it's free to play up to level 20, so why not just go and try it for free? Then you can make your own opinion and either start paying to play, or stop playing completely.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Leveling

Click here to power level yourself and dominate World of Warcraft Cataclysm!

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Leveling - From 80-85

This guide will help you know what zones you should be questing in from 80-85. It is a general highlight of the zones you need to be in at what level and the best parts of that particular zone.

Level 80-82 - Vashj'ir
One of the quite unique zones as it is completely underwater, which makes for very interesting gameplay. Yes, it may be the standard kill and collect quests but they are interesting because of the environment and unique enemies. Generally, you will complete this zone in a short amount of time and get the achievement without even realising, because you'll be so lost in the story!

Highlights - The submarine battle, riding a sea-horse and the battlemaiden quests. 

It's probably best not to say too much about this because that may ruin it for you, but they are brilliant and really show how far Blizzard Studios have come along since the original World of Warcraft.

Level 82-83 - Mount Hyjal (Optional but recommended)
Most say that this is the weaker of the new start zones in WoW Cataclysm, just for the plain fact that it just isn't unique. Although this is the fact, it is still a lot better than any of the previous quest zones before WotLK. Generally though, it doesn't vary from the generic kill and gather quests, most of which seem pretty boring with not much too them. The story also does not have much interest to the average Cataclysm gamer, until the epic ending of course.

Highlights - The final battle, twilight hammer quests.

Level 82/83/84 - Deepholm
As there was a choice of two starting zones, you could either go to both and become level 83, or level 82 if you finsh one (82 is the minimum for Deepholm.) Most peoples opinion of Deepholm is that it is by far one of the best looking leveling areas in Cataclysm. It resembles Netherstorm in some ways, because of the similar use of scenery and exquisite colours scheme. The quests are varied and not just the generic kill and collect, very interesting as well, not a chore at all to complete.

Highlights - The battle for the Temple of Earth, the alliance gunship quests and the vehicle battles.

Level 83/84 (Higher) - Uldum
If you have completed all the zones up to this point you generally won't reach 85, even if you complete Uldum too. If you are 83, you'll get to 84, but if your 84 you'll most likely be three quarters of the way to 85. This is a nice area to quest in, as the quests compel you to go further into the story. Blizzard really showed what they where capable of in this zone, with the epic cut-scenes and funny questing with Harrison Jones (Indiana Jones, hint hint.) You will remember a lot of these quests and have a great time doing so, not even realising you're leveling because you're enjoying the story so much. One of the best areas to do World of Warcraft Cataclysm leveling.

Highlights - ALL of the epic cut scenes, the Schnottz related quests and flying in Harrison Jones's plane.

Level 84-85 - Twilight Highlands
Most people presumed they would not have to do this area and skip it completely, they thought they might get to 85 and skip it, unless of course they wanted the achievement. But, this usually never works out for them, it's a good thing too because you'll find yourself continuing to quest, even after you get to 85 because the story is so brilliant. The brand new Ring of Blood quests are around this zone, and are definitely worth doing, both to get XP and enjoy yourself. The Wildhammer Dwarves are featured again in this area and have some great quests, which really show how good Blizzard are at creating a fantastic storyline.

Highlights - Helping The Wildhammer Dwarves, the quest to discover the Twilight Highlands, the first quest when you arrive and the cannon quest.

To conclude, all areas have greatly improved, with characters, environments, quests, storylines, items and the overall graphics. Most of the content Blizzard have created for WoW Cataclysm has been very impressive and made the game more enjoyable for all, and we all look forward to Mists of Pandaria.

If you want to learn how to be the best in WoW, get every achievement, and completely master the game CLICK HERE NOW

Thanks for reading World of Warcraft Cataclysm Leveling.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

World of Warcraft Macro Guide

Your Guide To Macros - For Dummies

So I hear what you're saying, what the hell is a macro? In simple words, a macro is a basic command that results in a whole series of commands to a computer. Am I going to keep talking like this, or tell you what they are simply and how to use them? Yes! In WoW, macros allow gamers to create their own sections of code, that perform an instruction (or multiple) such as casting a spell, ability or just a simple /lol command, all with the click of a button.

Follow this to make a macro:
  1. Click the macro tab on the menu.
  2. Click new.
  3. Type a name for your macro
  4. Choose an icon for your macro button, choosing the ? will try and use the same basic icon as the ability/spell you cast in the macro.
  5. Write the code.  (We're getting to that.)
Don't panic! It really is easy once you know how to do it.

To start with there are two basic things you should know. First, there is a 255 character limit on your macro. Second is that each new command starts on a new line and must have a '/' before the function you want to carry out. At the end of this article I'll give a few examples of what macros look like in the WoW interface.

Lets start basic - Speech Commands

This allows you to write a message/sentence in a certain context, for example /say /2 /guild etc. You can use that as many times as you like with the click of a button. So lets make your first speech command, go macros and follow the information above and put in "/say this is me learning how to write a speech macro" Next drag that macro onto your interface and should appear as a button with the options you chose, click it and your character should say whatever you typed.

Next, return to the macro tab and remove that code you just typed in. Now, if you try and click the macro button, quite obviously, it does nothing. Test it out a bit with a few /dance /yell and /lol commands and have fun testing out how you can mix things together.

Congratulations on getting this far!

I'm sure already you're getting the hang of it. Now we are going to try a cast macro, make a new macro call it what you want and choose whichever icon suits you. Then type (WITHOUT the square brackets and quotes) "/cast [the spell you want to cast]" See, pretty simple right? Lets take a simple Fireball for example you would type in /cast Fireball. Make sure the spell name is spelt exactly as it appears in the spell book and make sure to add a space between the /cast and the spell.

Drag it onto your interface and test it out!

Easy right? It will automatically cast the highest level of that spell you currently have. If you wanted to use a specific rank of spell you would simply type in "/cast Fireball (Rank #)" Where # is the rank you want to use.

Here's where it starts to get a bit more fun. Start a new combined macro. Type the code below (all the lines are the same as in the game, I start a new line, so do you.) Oh, and %t is the code for your current target.

/yell die %t time to burn, baby!
/cast Fireball

If you did that right, when you click that command button, your character will yell die <current target> time to burn, baby! and at the same time it will cast a fireball at your current target. (Change the spell and text to one that suits your class and race etc.)

Use of the speech and movement commands could be simply:

Don't include the square brackets in WoW.

/target [name]
/say you total noob, bet you can't even use macros!

See what I did there? Anyway, I would strongly advise you NOT to do this for any spells you will be using a lot, or you will annoy the hell out of people and get loads of complaints. When using speech macros in trades, if it doesn't work the first two times you click it, you've got lag/latency, don't click it again or it may spam uncontrollably! This will get you complaints and ignored too.

You can have as many lines of speech as you like in speech macros, and it will say them all at once when you click the command button. However, cast macros really aren't so easy. If you try typing the following, you'll see what happens:

/cast spell 1
/cast spell 2

You see that only the first spell you chose was cast and the other said it was not ready yet. I'm sure you know, that this is because of the global cooldown time on spells. There are complex methods around this, but I'm just showing you the basics at the moment. There are spells that are exempt from this, the ones that have no global cooldown, such as the Heroic Strike on warriors. Try it out if you can:

/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Pummel

Really must say well done if you've never made a macro before and you've got this far!

If you've ever been casting a very long spell or ability but suddenly realise your characters life depends on casting that crucial instant spell right now! Then the easy stopcasting macro will be your saviour!
In this case we'll use a Paladin, because it's particularly useful when combined with instant cast healing spells and high damage spells. If you're casting holy light which takes forever and your target ally is about to be obliterated, the you can use this macro to save their life!

/cast Holy Shock

It will instantly stop casting holy light and cast holy shock which will save the precious life of your ally!

Now, lets get into a full cast sequence - I hope you are prepared!

Start a new macro:
/castsequence [spell1], [spell2], [spell3] (leave out the square brackets but include the comma's)

Choose the order of your spells carefully, taking into account the cooldown times of each of the spells. You don't have to use just 3 like my example, you can use more or less. Make sure it's set out the right way with a comma and space in between each spell.

This button lets you click it over and over again and each time you click it, it will cast a different spell. When it gets to the end of your sequence of spells, it starts from the beginning again. We're still missing something though - a reset command to make it start from number one after a raid or event etc.

Just add a following in the [reset] position.
reset=combat/target/10/shift/control/alt/ (10 is the number of seconds) (number of these variables can be added and separated by a '/')

/castsequence reset spell1, spell3, spell2, spell3
/castsequence reset=combat/target/shift Fireball, Arcane Shot, Arcane Missiles

The sequence will reset when it comes to your chosen variable.

You now know how to make simple, and most commonly used macros!
Here are a few extra commands for you to play around with though:

/equip item name (equips item)

Equipment Slot Names:

Two-Hand           Ranged
Bag         Chest
Shirt       Off Hand
Chest    Shoulder
Back       Tabard
Feet       Thrown (ranged slot items like thrown daggers)
Finger   Trinket
Hands   Waist
Head     One-Hand
Held In Off-hand              Main Hand
Legs       Off Hand
Neck      Wrist

And here are some evaluation commands from all over the internet!

help – Evaluates ‘true’ if target is friendly

harm – Evaluates ‘true’ if target is hostile

combat – Evaluates ‘true’ if you are in combat.
stance or stance:# – Evaluates ‘true’ if you are in a stance, or are in a particular stance
stealth – Evaluates ‘true’ if you are stealthed.
equipped: – Evaluates ‘true’ if item is equipped. Item can be any valid inventory slot, item class or item subclass.

pet: – Evaluates ‘true’ if the pet exists. Takes pet type (Owl, Bear, Imp) or pet name (Fluffy, MrBigglesworth). With no modifier (i.e. just [pet]) it evaluates ‘true’ if ANY pet exists.

indoors, outdoors – Evaluates ‘true’ if you are indoors or outdoors, respectively.

channeling: – Evaluates true if you are channeling the spell listed. With no spell listed, it evaluates true if any spell is being channeled.

exists and dead – Evaluates true if your target is dead, or actually exists.

party – evaluates true if the target is a member of your party

raid – evaluates true if the target is a member of your party or raid

group – evaluates true if you are in a group

/cast [help] Greater Heal; Smite

/cast [help] Greater Heal; [harm, combat] Smite; [harm, nocombat] Mind Flay

/cast [nopet] Call Pet; Revive Pet

/cast [pet:owl] Dive; [pet:cat] Dash; [pet] Growl

use [nomounted,outdoors] Black War Steed Bridle

/cast [group:party] Arcane Brilliance; Arcane Intellect

And that's it for this guide, hope it helped you out in your quest to dominate WoW!
Want to make the best macros in the game? Click here to get the MASTER in-game guide!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Are All WoW Guides A Scam Or Can You Level Up To Level 85 Fast And Make A HUGE Amount Of Gold On The Way For The BEST Gear In The Game?

You have probably found your way to this page because you want to know
whether all these WoW guides are worth it?

Do you really need one?

Do they really work?

More importantly “Does it improve your game?”

Well basically, these guides have come about as WoW is an awesome game BUT unless you have hours to spend playing the game it can be VERY difficult to get up to level cap, enjoy PVP and get further in the game.

Also, the other problem is that of course you can join a good guild to help you out in the game but the best guilds are looking for the BEST players!

It is a vicious circle and it normally ends with YOU not seeing as much of the game as you want.

That is where a good WoW guide comes in as it will give you a step by step
leveling guide, guide to PVP and the dungeons, battlegrounds, dailies, events, professions, achievements, pets + mounts, reputations, titles, macros and as well as that you get a community where you will be able to interact with other players.

The ONLY problem is making sure you get a decent guide!

Well patch 4.3 has been launched and you need to make sure that you get a guide that is updated for the patch.

There is only one guide that offers free updates, actually has updated for patch 4.3 and offers in-game support as well and that is WoW Zygor Guides.

It works IN-GAME, so you don't have to keep switching between the game and an e-book!

So before you go – back to the question:

“Do you NEED A WoW guide?"

No, not if you want to level at your own pace and are not bothered about seeing all of the game!

If however you want to dominate the game – see all that Azeroth has to offer and get the best items in the game then you need to check out the full guide today…


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